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Books that last the exact duration of your flight

What do you do during a long flight? Read books or magazines, sleep, chat or watch films? I like to read, yet personally I love to lose myself in the in-flight entertainment, especially when I’m flying long distances – it just makes the time go by so much faster. I usually watch about five or so films ( I know it is quite a lot) and a couple of episodes of FRIENDS if I can. This is mainly because I really can’t ever seem to sleep on planes. Now, for those of you who love to pass the time on a long or short flight with a good book, this might just be the perfect idea for you.

One of Australia’s most famous airlines, Qantas Airlines, has designed a range of books that is tailor-made for every trip you take. That means if you start reading when the plane takes off, you’ll be finishing up the last few pages of your novel (that is if you’re not an extremely fast or slow reader) as the plane starts its descent. The collection of books is called “Stories For Every Journey.”

All the books were written by Australian authors and the project actually started in an effort to attract some more upscale clients. Stephanie Tully of The CMO of Qantas Loyalty says that this unique collection of books is “just one of many conversations we’re developing with our members, from Bronze to Platinum One.” Might there be more such fantastic ideas?

I really hope that other airlines adopt this ideas, since I’m sure there’s nothing worse than waiting to find out ‘who the killer is’ or ‘whether they got together in the end’.

What do you think of this idea?

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