
Know your Antipodes

Why is it that everyone thinks their antipodes will always land them in China? Do you even know what an antipode is? Don’t worry I also only found out recently what it is. An…

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5 Reasons You Should Keep a Travel Blog

This June myself and 6 childhood friends will embark on a 10-day trip to the UK. Even though our departure is three months away, we’ve already created a travel blog to document…

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Bbagzz™ – clear cover for your suitcase

Airports are stressful places without the added worry of baggage pilferage. Strap it, lock it, tie a ribbon on the handle, let’s face it, once your bag’s tagged, and disappearing…

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Liliesleaf farm

When it comes to presenting modern history for public consumption, South African museums, or more precisely Johannesburg museums, are experts in this type of discourse.…

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