I once read somewhere that the people of Scotland gave two great gifts to the world; golf and whisky, but perhaps not in that order. The development of both the drink and the hobby can be traced back over 500 years ago in Scotland.
The rich history of the drink and the game is why millions travel to Scotland. Some visit for the whisky, some for the golf, and many surely partake in a little bit of both.
Whiskey produced in Scotland goes by the title of Scotch whisky (spelled differently than whiskey) . Today it is one of Scotland’s primary export products, and touring the distilleries is one of the country’s key tourist attractions. The largest concentration of distilleries are found in the Highlands region, with many of them offering distillery tours, especially in the summer months. Hundreds of brands of Scotch whisky are currently in existence.
If you are unable to experience a distillery tour, Scotland has a thriving pub culture, and you can order a scotch whisky anywhere, simply by asking the friendly bartender for “a half, please.” You can find popular local pubs in every corner of the country.
Scotland is also known as “the home of golf,” and many golfers make the pilgrimage to the world’s most famous golf course, the Old Course at St. Andrews, where the game is believed to have originated. The town of St. Andrews is located in the Kingdom of Fife on Scotland’s east coast, just a couple hours from Edinburgh and Glasgow, Scotland’s two largest cities.
What makes the Old Course so special is it’s 500 year history, its preservation of the history of the game, and its accessibility. The course is open for anyone who wishes to play, and there are a number of other fantastic courses at St. Andrews besides the famous Old Course.
Many people who visit Scotland want to experience both the golf and the whisky. Some likely follow up a game of golf with a nice whisky, and I imagine a brave few prefer the whisky before golf. Either way a trip to Scotland is steeped in history, and is a pleasant stroll down memory lane.