Low cost carriers are great when it comes to booking cheap flights, if you know how to travel light that is. If you want to check in a suitcase on Easyjet for instance it will set you back a hefty €22. Even double that amount if you decide to check in your luggage at the airport. Not so low cost anymore if you travel with a family of four or more.
And that’s not it. On top of that, most no frills airlines will only allow you to bring one piece of hand luggage into the cabin. So even if you carry the tiniest mini purse and a trolley bag, you still have to put the teeny tiny purse in the trolley bag. Personally I don’t understand this concept, because my trolley bag goes in the overhead bin and the teeny tiny purse under the seat in front of me. So what’s the point of stuffing it into my suitcase?
It’s only even more inconvenient for the flight attendants and most of all for me, especially when the inflight beverage service takes place, (which I might add doesn’t come cheap either). I have to get up from my seat, pry my suitcase out of the overhead compartment, open the case in the middle of the aisle with all my delicates on show, get my purse out and then put it all back. Then repeat this for the inflight food service, the duty free purchases and the scratch card sale. It’s all just very very inconvenient.
So I was literally jumping for joy when I stumbled upon this website www.jaktogo.com. This online company sells a nifty bag that you can wear like a coat. The bag-coat or coat-bag has 14 pockets that can hold a whopping 10 to 15 kg of extra luggage. So if you’re flying to Milan for a shopping spree for instance, you can fold the bag away in your suitcase. Then when you go home you stuff it with all your purchases, carry it to the airport, and then wear it through security and onto the plane. And you don’t need to pay any excess baggage charges at all. Brilliant! I really hope that this bag will take off and be a big hit. If only for the sight of a low cost plane full of passengers looking like sumo wrestlers.