Traditionally the word travel means to take a journey of sorts. Everybody’s interpretation of this could be totally different from the next person. At Travelstart we encourage everyone to get out of their comfort zones and create their own travel realities, whether local or international travel.
Travelstart partnered with 6 of South Africa’s top lifestyle bloggers who are avid travellers to find out what sparked their passion to see the world. This is what they had to say about getting out there and exploring the world for the love of travel.
The Jax Blog
From a young age Jacqui Cooks (@thejaxblog) from the The Jax Blog had a quenchless appetite for travel and nothing was going defer this passion. Through blood, sweat and tears, many long hours of hard work and her unwavering determination, she was able to fulfill her dreams to see the world. Little did she know that this would be the start of a lifelong romance which could never be tempered, “16 years, 20 countries and countless memories later I’m still the same wanderluster I ever was….for the love of travel,” comments Jacqui.
From the Americas, to Australia and everything in between, Jacqui is still conquering the world one country at a time.
All you need is a dream. If there is a will, there is always a way. The only person standing between you and your dream getaway is yourself. That said Jacqui has her own advice on wanderlust dreamers, “I have a new motto now: Stop dreaming Start Travelling!”
*Photo credit: Mystic Posts_Stephen Ryan
Inspired Living SA
Recently, when asked why I love to travel my answer was incredibly simple, it allows me to escape everyday life!” comments Fiona Rossiter (@inspired_lifeSA) of Inspired Living.
Getting away from the daily grind is one of the many reasons why people like to travel. However, this could mean anything from a weekend at the coast, to a totally new immersive experience abroad. Fiona comments “Along with being the perfect “escape” travel allows me to experience different cultures.”
Perhaps you’d like to learn Spanish, or trek up Mount Everest, or maybe you want to dazzle your guests with the awesome cooking skills you inherited on your trip to India. Your interpretation of “travel” is what makes your escape perfect for you.
You don’t need to cross oceans to create the perfect dream. Fiona has always been a firm believer that taking a shorter trip to a local destination, or even just across our borders to one of our neighbouring countries is just as much of an adventure and sometimes friendlier on the budget.
*Photo Credit: Go Overseas
Mishka Patel
Doesn’t it scare you to think that there are places in the world that you may never actually see? You might hear about them, or read about them in travel magazines but you might never set foot on that foreign soil. That’s enough of a reason to stop collecting things and start collecting memories. Experiences in life are what mould you so why not become a citizen of the world.
Lifestyle blogger Mishka Patel (@MishkaPatel) comments “To me, what being able to travel means is the following: The ability and opportunity to become visually rich….They say money is everything, but I long to become rich in experience.” Being rich is a relative term and we often get it confused. If travel feeds your soul then start small with local destinations. It’s a great way to learn about your own country’s treasures and in time your next stop might just be the world.
*Photo Credit: TourRadar
The Authentic girl
Lifestyle Blogger Megan (@blogauthentic) of The Authentic Girl, remembers her first international trip in 2000. While excited for the new experiences which lay ahead, she was equally as nervous to hit foreign ground. Well until she landed anyway. Megan comments, “We boarded the plane, watched the safety presentation carefully, took off to Germany and I never looked back. My whole life changed after that holiday.”
When was the last time you did something for the time? Maybe it’s time for a new adventure? It’s never too late find a new hobby, especially if it’s one that will enrich your life with experiences and memories you will preserve forever. Megan comments, “I always encourage people to travel, both locally and internationally as it opens your mind to different cultures and experiences. Travelling opens your mind to new experiences, and I truly believe, it makes us more tolerant of other people, their beliefs and culture.”
Chasing the Rainbow
It might seem daunting to travel with your family, but it really doesn’t have to be. If the budget doesn’t always allow for international travel, that’s hardly a reason to rule out holidays altogether. We are so fortunate to be able to call South Africa home and have the chance to explore our own back garden. We have scenic gems around just about every corner.
Chasing the Rainbow otherwise known as the Dirsuwei family (@therainbowSA) refer to themselves as a ‘conventional family doing extraordinary things’. The family are currently exploring South Africa (as a family of five) one holiday at a time, “For us, travel is about more than just seeing new places and doing new things together as a family. It is magic in its simplest and most humanly accessible form.” Comments the Dirsuwei family.
For many travel is less about bucket list adventures, and more about being mindful that the world is your oyster. It’s accessible to everyone. Stand at the top of the world when you climb up Table Mountain, or find your inner peace when sitting in Artist Diana Grahams garden at The Eco-Shrine at Hogsback. It’s these moments that make us feel alive. Don’t just exist letting life pass you by, get out there and experience all the beauty this world has to offer.
*Photo Credit: Julian Schroeder
Painting in Pink
Digital Content Influencer and content creator Tamlyn Jacobus (@TammyJacobus) of Painting in Pink claims that Franschhoek is one of her favourite holiday spots. Being a Mom and business owner means that spontaneous holidays with your girlfriends or husband to exotic destinations is not always an option. In fact Tamlyn drew quickly to the realisation that Cape Town has all the beauty one actually needs, Tamlyn comments “Realising that I didn’t have to hop on a plane or spend thousands to travel was one of the best life discoveries I’ve made thus far.”
*Photo Credit: Winelands Explorer
Ok, so you’re ready to travel but you’re not quite sure which destination to go to whether it be domestic or international, or what a trip might cost? That’s where Travelstart comes in. We’re experts when it comes to tailor making your dream holiday, whether it is flights you are looking for or, or preferred airlines to use, or maybe you would prefer an all-inclusive holiday package, we have something for everyone. We’ve got flight specials coming out of our ears. So go on, starting living your travel dreams!