How much bad luck can a person have on his or her honeymoon? One Swedish couple that travelled to Southeast Asia on an extended honeymoon with their small baby, ran into as many as 6 natural disasters.
According to Stefan and Erika Svanstrom who travelled for 4 months with their baby girl Elinor, “it started with a snow storm in Germany that slowed us down for a night. We had to spend the night there. Then it was the bush fires in Perth and also we had the monsoon and the storm in Bali, Indonesia. And then we ended up in Cairns, in Queensland in Australia and experienced the cyclone yasi which was of course was the biggest cyclone they had had in ages and we were evacuated for 24 hours in a shopping mall together with 2,500 others sleeping on a concrete floor and the power went out in the middle of the night. So that was a different experience on a honeymoon.”
A different honeymoon experience it was indeed. As the couple travelled on to Christchurch New Zealand, they weren’t able to land at Christchurch airport as they arrived the day after the devastating earthquake that shook the Canterbury area on the 22nd of February 2011. As if that wasn’t enough horror and disaster they travelled on to Japan where they found themselves running for cover from falling debris as an even bigger earthquake hit the capital city of Tokyo. You couldn’t make this up even if you wanted to. However the couple did manage to spend a month of disaster free time in China before heading back to Stockholm, Sweden. Talk about Murphy’s law!
From now on when my holiday ends up being a total wash out or if there is not enough snow when I go on my next ski trip, I will remember this poor Swedish couple. It can never get any worse than their disastrous honeymoon!