Isabel was three months old on her first long-haul flight, Stockholm to San Francisco, and since then she has visited 19 countries in her five years. We interviewed her to hear what the real travel essentials are from a child’s point of view.
1. My iPad loaded with games, apps and movies – I’m addicted!
2. Wouldn’t leave home without my barbies. Need at least three of them so that I can play family and dress up. Hey, I’m five!
3. Really, the colouring books that the airlines hand out leave a lot to ask. I always bring my own and it is important to bring stickers as well. And do not forget the crayons or you’ll be left with your parents’ boring pens.
4. And most importantly of course; My Trunki where I pack all my essentials. And it’s perfect to sit on when waiting for ages in all those passport controls…
5. Ok MOST importantly I guess I need my parents to travel. When they ask me why the only answer is because I love them. But if you ask it’s really because they pay!
Oh and a big ask for my next flight is for the captain to dress up in a princess outfit. Something like this… Ok?!
Linda Hellqvist, Head of Marketing & Sales
Special contribution by:
Isabel Hellqvist, Age 5 and 2 months