Last month we celebrated our 10th birthday in South Africa, and what a celebration it was!
From a small but suitable spot at The Avalon in Gardens Cape Town, to the four floors of office space on Greenmarket Square that barely houses our current complement of 188 staff, we’ve not only grown during our time in South Africa, we’ve grown up.
As we hit the double digits milestone on the back of an exciting investment by Amadeus Capital earlier this year, we decided that last month would be the biggest that Travelstart has ever seen, and we pulled out all the stops!

Happy Birthday with love from KFM
Cue the biggest sale week we’ve ever had… Trips to Thailand for only R4999, domestic flights for only R99, we spared no expense to show our customers, fans and advocates just how much we appreciate their support over the last 10 years. Online marketing, offline marketing and of course word of mouth (the best kind of marketing) news of our incredible travel deals spread like wildfire and we spent our 10th birthday celebrating a record breaking campaign -and the fact that our website didn’t crash once!

Tenth Birthday Party
For team Travelstart, we all conveniently forgot that spring was just around the corner and celebrated like 10 year olds too… Cake, bubbles and a live broadcast from Primedia and the KFM team, donuts to keep those sugar levels raised during the total anarchy that was our birthday campaign, a celebratory lunch, awesome Travelstart gear, cupcakes from management and even more cupcakes from Amadeus! With full bellies and happy hearts it’s been one heck of a month that we’re all still recovering from…

Travelstart Birthday Donuts
For those dreaming of travel, but without the budget to just go, we introduced an addictive competition game called Balloon Beach, where entrants could stand to win holidays, flights, Sony Xperia smartphones, Travelstart vouchers and more worth R100,000 by popping as many balloons as they could before hitting the roof. Revolutionary gaming? Perhaps not. But certainly a huge step up from the usual competition forms we’ve used in the past, plus we got some great feedback and had a lot of fun in the process!

Balloon Beach Feedback from the Virgin Atlantic team
With just 3 more months left in our offices, a place that’s become a 2nd home for many of us, we’re preparing for a new chapter in the Travelstart story, one that includes room for exponential growth, unbridled creativity, lots of hard work and just as much fun. We’re pre-teens now, which means we’re all about the attitude, big ideas that we want to share with the world and although we have an inkling that we may never know it all, we know what we stand for, and that we’re just getting started!

Cheers to a new chapter!