Win With Planedeer Games Day 11

Today is your second last chance to win travel vouchers from Travelstart. Find our globetrotting planedeer and win!


Today’s riddle:


“World’s top tourist city, you’ll never get Thai-red of this place!”


To win flight vouchers it’s time to track down our festive planedeer.

1) Solve today’s riddle

2) Find our planedeer at his latest location

3) Share the city page on social media – use #planedeergames to enter

4) Check in again tomorrow at 10am for another riddle & chance to win

5) Even planedeers need rest – no new clues uploaded on the weekend

Competiton ends 24 December 2015

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Once you’ve found him tweet the answer to @Travelstart and #planedeergames

The perfect christmas gift for an avid urban explorer:

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The answer to yesterday’s riddle: New York

The Big apple is waiting for you!

Find amazing flights to New York here.

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