12 Days of Planedeer Games Starts Now!

Travelstart is getting into the festive spirit with R12,000 in travel vouchers up for grabs. Figure out our riddle to find our globe-trotting “planedeer” and win!

Clue 1

Today our planedeer is an urban explorer in a modern metropolis, in China but autonomous…

To win flight vouchers it’s time to track down our festive planedeer.

1) Solve today’s riddle

2) Find our planedeer at his latest location

3) Share the city page on social media – use #planedeergames to enter

4) Check in again tomorrow at 10am for another riddle & chance to win

5) Even planedeers need rest – no new clues uploaded on the weekend

Competiton ends 24 December 2015

Start Playing Now

Once you’ve found him tweet the answer to @Travelstart and  #planedeergames

Christmas gift ideas for an Urban Explorer:

The MyUniway electric unicycle

myuniway electric unicycle

myuniway unicycle

What’s on the urban explorer’s dream travel gadget wishlist? This space-age environmentally-friendly unicycle for the slick inner-city cruiser. Get it at Takealot this Christmas for R7999.

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