1. Cape Town City Centre according to the locals
2. Beer Crafting Communities – Go forth and consume
3. Cellphone Signal Interruption/Infuriation Intensity – for when the mountain gets in the way of a good conversation
Source: opensignal.com
4. South Easter Walloping Indicator
5. Foghorn Intensity Index
6. MyCiti Routes
Source: myciti.org.za
7. Cape Town Underground – the Mother City re-imagined in a tube map
8. Popular cycling routes
9. Popular running routes
10. Where in Cape Town you can feed your internet & caffeine addictions simultaneously?
Source: capetownfreewifi.co.za
11. For City Bowl dwellers it’s all about the hood
Source: irideafrica.com
12. The train-spotters guide to peninsula tourism
Source: capemetrorail.co.za
Yay I have been assigned a nice place between tourists and China Town. Funny that a cycle route goes around the border perfectly