
Happy Feet

Tucked away in an ordinary-looking building in Thibault Square, right in the heart of the city of Cape Town, lies a haven for tired feet. Literally. Happy Feet is ‘the first…

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Wi-Fi coffee shops in Jozi

Next to fresh air, no, make that coffee, connectivity is the thing that Jo’burger’s crave the most, so check out these Jo’burg coffee shops next time you need to be…

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Liliesleaf farm

When it comes to presenting modern history for public consumption, South African museums, or more precisely Johannesburg museums, are experts in this type of discourse.…

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5 Joburg tours for under £10

Anyone who tells you there’s nothing affordable to do in Joburg clearly isn’t from around here, or they’ve spent the last decade home alone watching series re-runs and…

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Slow Food Mother City

If you’re a passionate fan of food, and especially of the sort that is served on long tables in the afternoon sun, with groaning plates full of homemade breads and fresh cheeses,…

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