Our trusted audience may remember that on #MandelaDay 2016, Travelstart ran an award-winning social media competition on Twitter called #FlightForChange where users…
Share Your #BestTravelMoment & Win!
The seductive beauty of Italy has weaved its ways through many a heart, making it home to some of the most romantic cities in the world. More recently voted by you, our trusted…
Amazing Tips To Improve Your Travel Photos
Most of us use our smartphone cameras when travelling, the technology is sophisticated, they’re lightweight and easy to store safely in a pocket or travel satchel.…
USA Laptop Ban May Be Extended Worldwide
Yesterday, Sunday 28 May 2017, US Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly suggested that the US electronics ban may be extended globally to all flights into the USA. No…
Travelstart Launches Travelstart.BIZ
After ten years in South Africa, Travelstart is now a household name for consumers planning and bookings their trips. More than 3000 people daily check into flights around…
Could it really have taken us this long to realise a solution that has been glaring us in the face for all this time? The Perfect Collaboration Travelstart and Uber are combining…