Working from home is an option many are familiar with, but for others, the change in setting might be a challenge. Being able to work remotely may sound like a dream come true, but your home is a hub of procrastination. It’s essential to keep focused and stay productive, but also sane against cabin fever. Give your workspace an inspirational travel twist to keep the mood up and the dreams bright with these work from home ideas.
But first, coffee
Work from home idea? More like work from home essential! Begin your day the right way with a fun travel cup to put you in a good mood. Whether you prefer something motivational, quirky or just a dreamy graphic, your day will be filled with an eager and goal-driven spirit. A cup of tea more your style? This is the time to experiment with aromatic flavours of the world. Add some coconut for a tropical twist or opt for something spicy to awaken your palate.
Set your screen saver
During your work breaks, imagine being enveloped under the lush trees of pristine beaches. Who doesn’t like to dream about a place far, far away? Rest your eyes upon the magic of Mother Earth with one click – your screensaver. Set up your PC to take you on a virtual journey to your ideal destination. This work from home idea might capture you in the culture of Morocco, or make you fall in love with France. Get inspired for a feel-good day.
Desk decor
A desk planner or calendar serves both as a schedule and work office decor, so you might as well get one that ignites your wanderlust. Start every week in a new country. Print out your favourite destinations as backgrounds to keep you company while you jot down important dates. If you like to keep things digital, set the theme and background of your calendar or task board. You can’t help but jot down a travel date or two as well!
Repurpose your collectables
Cover your books with maps or passport prints and doodle some travel icons on them. The visually pleasing result makes this simple tip one of the top work from home ideas. Those array of souvenirs you bought during your trips? Now they can make the best desk decor for a travel-themed office. Dress up your desk with some memorabilia that can double as accessories. For example, store your pens in a beer stein.
Suitcase shelves
Cute, little suitcases can easily be repurposed into shelves for your work office decor, plus it can serve as storage as well. Stack them up or use one of them as a desktop stand if you are working on multiple screens. Do keep in mind that the items inside the suitcase should not be something that you use very often as it can get annoying to pack everything on and off to open the case.
Travel gallery
Invest in work from home ideas that uplift your mood when the going gets tough. Personalised work office decor always makes you feel cheery and sets you in a better mindset for work. Fill some spaces with photos of friends and family to take a trip down memory lane. Choose the area where you want to put your collage and mock-up a few layout designs to estimate how many photos you need. Print them out and let the creativity begin! Make it even more fun by adding captions or doodles to your layout.

Photo: @viveknagal via Instagram
Purposeful pin board
Don’t we all just love those millions of little coloured sticky notes that suffocate our desk? Visual presentation has a significant influence on your productivity, mood and mindset and a mountain of sticky notes are not the best desk accessories. Nothing screams travel like a classic world map. But make this work office decor practical: find a spacious area on your wall and design a cork board in the shape of a world map. Stick your notes and pin important reminders to keep your desk clutter-free.

Photo: @needthatrightnow via Instagram
Customise your keyboard
There’s nothing like a colourful keyboard to keep the creative juices flowing. There are many designs to purchase online for a customised keyboard. However, if you rather want to keep it budget-friendly, trust in simplicity to stay productive: stick some travel icons on specific keys. For example, an aeroplane on the enter tab or a city silhouette on the space bar. Ready to send that email? Fly away!
Keep it minimalistic and realistic
Remember, the goal is to stay productive and focused. Keep your work office decor balanced, your hours set, and your goals realistic. Working from home takes self-motivation and discipline. A crowded space can be distracting, which then defeats the purpose of your workspace. Like your desk, keep your mind clear and organised as well.
Are you feeling inspired to revamp your workspace? Discover some more tips on how to plan the best staycation ever or sign up to our newsletter to make sure you won’t be missing out on any of our top tips and deals.
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