[12:00pm – 28th September 2011] I’m live blogging from Motswari Private Game Reserve in the Northern reaches of the Kruger National Park thanks to the free Wi-Fi on offer…
Know your Antipodes
Why is it that everyone thinks their antipodes will always land them in China? Do you even know what an antipode is? Don’t worry I also only found out recently what it is. An…
5 Reasons You Should Keep a Travel Blog
This June myself and 6 childhood friends will embark on a 10-day trip to the UK. Even though our departure is three months away, we’ve already created a travel blog to document…
Hands on Fun at Sci-Bono Discovery Centre, Newtown
Science! The word scares me. Obviously I realise the importance of Science but what does make me panic are the awful memories of sitting through dreary science classes…
Bbagzz™ – clear cover for your suitcase
Airports are stressful places without the added worry of baggage pilferage. Strap it, lock it, tie a ribbon on the handle, let’s face it, once your bag’s tagged, and disappearing…
Liliesleaf farm
When it comes to presenting modern history for public consumption, South African museums, or more precisely Johannesburg museums, are experts in this type of discourse.…