Book Cheap Flights from Johannesburg to Vilanculos

Cheapest flights to Vilanculos

Cheapest flights to Vilanculos in the next 3 months

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Flights from Johannesburg to Vilanculos

Flights from Johannesburg to Vilanculos will have you arriving in this coastal town within approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes. Planes depart from O.R Tambo International Airport (JNB) and Lanseria International Airport (HLA), arriving at Vilankulo Airport (VNX). Popular airlines flying from Johannesburg to Cape Town are: South African Airways and LAM Mozambique Airlines. Direct flights from Johannesburg to Vilanculos are available.

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Things to know before you travel to Vilanculos

General information

Essential details you need to know before your trip.

Country Mozambique
Currency New Meticail (MZN)
Exchange rate 1 ZAR = 4.58 MZN
Language Portuguese/ Bitonga
Hub airport Vilankulo Airport (VNX)
Time difference There is no time difference between Vilanculos and Johannesburg.
Travel adaptor Type C / F / M

Travel documents

For stays of up to 30 days, you will need a valid passport to travel from Johannesburg to Vilanculos.

Airport information

From Vilankulo Airport, it takes approximately 7 minutes to get to the city centre of Vilanculos.

Main attractions

The main attractions in Vilanculos are Baxaruto National Park, Zinave National Park and Machilla Magic.

Cost of living in Vilanculos

Compare the costs of everyday items in Johannesburg and Vilanculos

Average meal

Inexpensive restaurant

Johannesburg R110
Vilanculos R98

Local beer

0,5L Draught

Johannesburg R25
Vilanculos R11

Pack of cigarettes


Johannesburg R40
Vilanculos R22

Taxi 1km

Normal Tariff

Johannesburg R10
Vilanculos R11



Johannesburg R23
Vilanculos R21
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